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dc.contributor.authorBalcı, Semra
dc.contributor.authorAslaner, Okan Doğuhan
dc.contributor.authorMouralis, Damase
dc.contributor.authorAlgül, Gülsün Çiler
dc.identifier.citationAlgül G. Ç. , Balcı S., Mouralis D., Aslaner O. D. , The Lithic Assemblages of Gusir Höyük. A Pre-Pottery Neolithic Site on the Upper TigrisBasin (Southeast Anatolia), "Tracking the Neolithic in the Near East. Lithic Perspectives on Its Origins, Development and Dispersals", Y. Nishiaki,O. Maeda,M. Arimura, Editör, Sidetones Press- Distribution by Oxbow Books, Leiden, ss.439-452, 2022
dc.description.abstractGusir Höyük (Siirt), located on the Upper Tigris Basin of Southeast Anatolia is one of several Pre-Pottery Neolithic sites in the region and it is important since it provides data about the PPNB transitionas well as having well stratified PPNA deposits. Although it looks like a typical Upper Tigris settlement according to the chipped stone artefacts and many other features, it also shows some differences when compared to other settlements in tne region. The absence of scalene microliths which are a typical tool group in the PPNA period of Upper Tigris Basin, and the presence of obsidian pressure blades recovered in the upper layers of the site are examples of these differences. In these paper as well as focusing on the general characteristics of the chipped stone artifacts of Gusir Höyük, the changes observed in the artifacts over time are also considered.
dc.publisherSidetones Press- Distribution by Oxbow Books
dc.subjectSosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler
dc.subjectSosyal Bilimler (SOC)
dc.titleTracking the Neolithic in the Near East. Lithic Perspectives on Its Origins, Development and Dispersals
dc.typeKitapta Bölüm
dc.contributor.departmentİstanbul Üniversitesi , Edebiyat Fakültesi , Arkeoloji Bölümü

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