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dc.contributor.authorTekin, Akile
dc.identifier.citationTekin A., "The Method of Understanding of Al-Mufassirun of The Hijri First Two Centuries in The Special Verses of The Prophet", DINBILIMLERI AKADEMIK ARASTIRMA DERGISI-JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC RESEARCH IN RELIGIOUS SCIENCES, sa.1, ss.229-252, 2023
dc.description.abstractThe Prophet is the first addressee and payer of the revelation, the opportunity of the Qur'an to meet with man and humanity. Reflecting the responsibilities of his position, the Prophet and the Messenger are unquestionably leaders and examples in the construction and replenishment of religion due to his qualities. He is like every prophet who was chosen and sent. The qualities of the Prophet as "human and servant" are fixed by the Qur'an's declaration. As a result of this situation and as a necessity, the responsibility of the Prophet with revelation has been the subject of Islamic Sciences in terms of its nature. In the Qur'an, as Nas, the Prophet, he addresses expressions, situations and incidents specific to the Prophet; the binding nature of the address in such verses are only from the point of view of judgment/deeds of the Prophet. The discussion of the belonging of the Prophet or the generality of the judgment is mainly dealt with in the fiqh procedure. Again, as a requirement of the need for Nas to rule, Prophet Muhammad is mentioned in the Sunnah. The determination of the qualities and situations peculiar to the Prophet, the subject of which is conceptualized as Hasaisu'n-Nabi and Delailu'n-Nubuve in the science of hadith, is Prophet Muhammad. In addition to the provisions specific to the Prophet, he also created literature that has virtues. From the point of view of the science of tafsir, especially in the modern period, this discussion, which has been carried to the religious dimension over the issue of the historicity -functionality of the verses of the Qur'an, is based on the Prophet Muhammad. In addition to the practical consequences, such as the devaluation and ambiguity of the Prophet's position, it is believed that the validity of the verse and the historicity of the word pose theoretical problems. The purpose of this research is directly related to the Prophet. It determines how the verses that are the subject of a statement or incident about the Prophet were understood in the first two centuries of the Hijri. In other words, the appearance of the term the Prophet. It is to reveal the procedural dimension of the content of the verses specific to the Prophet in the traditional understanding of tafsir. Because, as far as we can reach, this dimension has not yet been the subject of academic research in the current literature on the science of tafsir. In order for this to be achieved an approach has been adopted based on the principle of "proximity to the Prophet and the period of revelation" and the existence of a method in tafsir or tawil made by al-mufassirun of the first two centuries in accordance with these verses from the tafsir narrations that are accessible has been investigated. al-Mufassirun of the first two centuries of the Hijri whose opinions were consulted in the research were identified from the tafsir-style works that included Tabakatul-Mufassirun or works that dealt with the interpretation layers separately. Only those whose opinions could be reached were included.This research is based on the tafsir method of Allah, the first interlocutor of the word of the Prophet Muhammad. It is limited by not including items considered the style of speaking to the Prophet, are mentioned a lot in the Qur'an, and have been the subject of independent academic studies. In the research, two facts in the word of the Qur'an, expression and incident, were focused on through sample verses. For this reason, it can be stated that the thematic scientific research method based on analysis and analysis was adopted in the study. While the sample verses examined in the article are selected based on the apparent expression in words, Allah's Prophet. According to the addresses he revealed to the Prophet on the condition of special the Prophet. It has been tried to include special situations that are ontologically impossible for other people other than the Prophet to experience. Accordingly, the examples examined in the article are the verses of Surat al-IsraMODIFIER LETTER RIGHT HALF RING 17/1, 79; Surat al-Ahzab 33/50, Surat Najm 53/9 in the order of Mushaf. Before the article mentions how al-mufassirun interpret the sample verses, if there are any about these verses, Bukhari (d. 256/870), the information conveyed in Sahih. It has been passed on to make a concise reference to comparing the Prophet with the next generation. As a result, the special subject of the Qur'anic phrase is the Prophet. When he became a prophet, the content, procedure and limit of tafsir or tawil in the first two centuries were tried to be determined.
dc.subjectGenel Sanat ve Beşeri Bilimler
dc.subjectSosyal Bilimler ve Beşeri Bilimler
dc.subjectSanat ve Beşeri Bilimler
dc.subjectSanat ve Beşeri Bilimler (AHCI)
dc.subjectSosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler
dc.subjectDini çalışmalar
dc.subjectSanat ve Beşeri Bilimler (çeşitli)
dc.titleThe Method of Understanding of Al-Mufassirun of The Hijri First Two Centuries in The Special Verses of The Prophet
dc.contributor.departmentIstanbul Univ Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu , ,

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