Invasive Treatment Modalities for Spasticity and Pain in Spinal Cord Injury
Spasticity secondary to spinal cord injury may impair function or ease of care or may cause discomfort or poor body image. The treatment of spasticity and pain requires a multidisciplinary approach with treatment aimed at modulating the movement disorder through oral medication, injectable drugs, surgical intervention and physical therapy. Surgical treatment of the neurologic effects of the central movement disorders include selective dorsal rhizotomy, intrathecal baclofen pump placement, and potentially deep brain stimulation. Techniques may be combined for greater efficacy and better tailoring to the needs of the patient. This article provides an overview of each approach, with a review of significant research findings in support of each. Turk J Phys Med Rehab 2010; 56 Suppl 2:102-4
- Makale [92796]