Toplam kayıt 24, listelenen: 21-24

    • 고전문학을 바라보는 북한의 시각 - 고전시가 

      Cho, Hongyoun
      This study was conducted on "Gongmudohaga" which is Korea’s representative classical poetry to confirm its value as a material by comparing and analyzing the materials of North Korea and South Korea.
    • 신 로맨스의 탄생 

      Cho, Hongyoun
      The characters in the classic novels have parts that give us a glimpse of our lives today.Among them,in "Jusaengjeon", we can see the relation of love and rational choice in the relationship between Jusaeng and Baedo. ...
    • 우리 고전과 문화콘텐츠 

      Cho, Hongyoun
      The purpose of this study is to suggest a storytelling structure applicable to storytelling education and actual planning and creation as a researcher of oral literature in this age of story industry. What needs to be ...
    • 프로이트, 심청을 만나다 

      Cho, Hongyoun
      This article points out that the negative lifestyle of Lee Chun-pung, the protagonist of the Korean classic novel "Lee Chun-pung", was caused by psychological problems, and that were formed by his parents' permissive ...