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dc.contributor.authorGazioğlu, Cem
dc.contributor.authorÜlker, Duygu
dc.contributor.authorErgüven, Orhan
dc.identifier.citationÜlker D., Ergüven O., Gazioğlu C., "Socio-economic impacts in a Changing Climate: Case Study Syria", International Journal of Environment and Geoinformatics, cilt.5, no.9, ss.84-93, 2018
dc.description.abstractAs a result of climate change, it is clear in the coming years to provide an instability for conflict zones. Climate change has potential socio-economic consequences in addition to environmental impacts. Drought is one of the result of climate change especially in Mediterranean. It can also increase by unsustainable government policies and effects quality of life of people. Decreasing of water resources and rural land using force people to migrate from rural areas to urban areas as a consequence of low productivity from agriculture and animal husbandry, rising of food prices and decreasing of wealth level. Results of climate change have differences depends on features of countries as climate vulnerability, social policies, ethnicity. In this study we evaluate socio-economic impacts of 2006-2010 severe drought in Syria comparing with other climate impacted countries. There are a number of studies in which the Syrian war is overstated by the excess of the relationship as much as the work that expresses the emergence of climate changes as a result. We observed that in addition current problems in Syria, drought between 2007 and 2010 contributed to uprising in 2011 and consequently to immigration, conflict and terrorism. It is not wrong to evaluate that the impact of the spread of conflicts inherited from generations before the arid years of succession is at least as effective as the causes of other conflicts. The long-term effects of climate change, which has begun to emerge, indicate potential conflicts that can develop in water-scarce, multicultural geographies, particularly in the Middle East.
dc.subjectMühendislik, Bilişim ve Teknoloji (ENG)
dc.subjectMühendislik ve Teknoloji
dc.titleSocio-economic impacts in a Changing Climate: Case Study Syria
dc.relation.journalInternational Journal of Environment and Geoinformatics
dc.contributor.departmentİstanbul Üniversitesi , Deniz Bilimleri Ve İşletmeciliği Enstitüsü , Deniz Bilimleri Ve İşletmeciliği Bölümü

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