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dc.contributor.authorYenice, Sevinc
dc.contributor.authorAgirbasli, Handan
dc.contributor.authorSaran, Begum
dc.contributor.authorAkan, Ozay Arikan
dc.contributor.authorTekeli, Alper
dc.contributor.authorKARAHAN, ZEYNEP CEREN
dc.identifier.citationKARAHAN Z. C. , Saran B., Yenice S., Agirbasli H., Akan O. A. , Tekeli A., "25S Intron Analysis Followed by Restriction Enzyme Digestion Performed for Genotyping Candida albicans Isolates", MIKROBIYOLOJI BULTENI, cilt.46, ss.257-265, 2012
dc.description.abstractCandida albicans is the most frequently encountered fungal pathogen especially in the immuno-compromised hosts. Genotyping clinical microbial isolates is important for obtaining epidemiological data and for establishing appropriate infection control strategies in the hospital setting. 25S intron analysis is an easy and reliable method used for genotyping C.albicans strains. As it has a low discriminatory power, its use is limited in epidemiological studies. In this study, our aim was to genotype clinical C.albicans isolates by using 25S intron analysis followed by restriction enzyme digestion in order to develop a more discriminative genotyping system for C.albicans. A total of 260 clinical C.albicans strains isolated from various infection sites (121 blood, 69 sputum, 36 vaginal discharge, 26 wound, 8 urine samples) were genotyped by 25S intron analysis, and all the products obtained by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were digested with HaeIII restriction enzyme. Discriminatory power of each method was calculated. Among the isolates 184 (70.8%) were classified as genotype A, 42(16.2%) as genotype B, and 34 (13%) as genotype C by 25S intron analysis. Discriminatory power of the method was calculated as 0.46. HaeIII restriction of genotype A, B and C isolates produced ten, one, and five restriction patterns (genotypes), respectively. By the addition of restriction enzyme analysis, the number of genotypes obtained was increased to 16, and the discriminatory power of the method to 0.79. Combining different genotyping methods increases the discriminatory power by increasing the number of genotypes obtained. However, there is also a risk to split certain strains in different genotypes by the different methods used and this makes the genotypic evaluation more difficult. On the other hand, combining 25S intron analysis with restriction enzyme analysis increases the discriminatory power without introducing a totally different method, and makes the method more suitable for epidemiological purposes and for genotyping clinical isolates. Different enzymes instead of HaeIII should be tested to evaluate the effect on the discriminatory power. In order to evaluate the relationship between the genotypes obtained by this method and Parameters such as patient characteristics, clinical data, and antifungal susceptibilities, more sophisticated studies can be performed.
dc.subjectYaşam Bilimleri (LIFE)
dc.subjectTemel Bilimler
dc.subjectYaşam Bilimleri
dc.title25S Intron Analysis Followed by Restriction Enzyme Digestion Performed for Genotyping Candida albicans Isolates
dc.relation.journalMIKROBIYOLOJI BULTENI
dc.contributor.departmentAnkara Üniversitesi , ,

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