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dc.contributor.authorYazici, Hulya
dc.contributor.authorTUNÇER, Şeref Buğra
dc.contributor.authorTuncer, Samuray
dc.contributor.authorKebudi, Rejin
dc.contributor.authorAKDENİZ ÖDEMİŞ, Demet
dc.contributor.authorAdamnejad Ghafour, Arash
dc.contributor.authorJabbarli, Khariga
dc.contributor.authorGider, Yasemin
dc.contributor.authorÇELİK, Betül
dc.contributor.authorKuru Turkcan, Gozde
dc.contributor.authorŞÜKRÜOĞLU ERDOĞAN, Özge
dc.contributor.authorKILIÇ ERCİYAS, Seda
dc.contributor.authorAvsar, Mukaddes
dc.contributor.authorBuyukkapu Bay, Sema
dc.identifier.citationAKDENİZ ÖDEMİŞ D., TUNÇER Ş. B. , Adamnejad Ghafour A., Jabbarli K., Gider Y., ÇELİK B., Kuru Turkcan G., ŞÜKRÜOĞLU ERDOĞAN Ö., KILIÇ ERCİYAS S., Avsar M., et al., "FGFR4 c.1162G > A (p.Gly388Arg) Polymorphism Analysis in Turkish Patients with Retinoblastoma", JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY, cilt.2020, 2020
dc.description.abstractPurpose. Various molecular variations are known to result in different gene variants in the FGFR4 gene, known for its oncogenic transformation activity. The goal of this study was to investigate the FGFR4 p.Gly388Arg variant that plays role in the progression of cancer and retinal growth and may be an effective candidate variant in the Turkish population in retinoblastoma patients with no RB1 gene mutation. Methods. Using the Sanger sequencing methods, the FGFR4 p.Gly388Arg variant was bidirectionally sequenced in 49 patients with non-RB1 gene mutation in retinoblastoma patients and 13 healthy first-degree relatives and 146 individuals matched by sex and age in the control group. Results. In Turkish population-specific study, the FGFR4 p.Gly388Arg variant was found in 27 (55.1 percent) of 49 patients; mutation was found in 7 (53.8 percent) of these patients' 13 healthy relatives screened. When FGFR4 p.Gly388Arg mutation status is evaluated in terms of 146 healthy controls, in 70 (47.9 percent) individuals, mutation was observed. Our analysis showed that the FGFR4 p.Gly388Arg allele frequency, which according to different databases is seen as 30 percent in the general population, is 50 percent common in the Turkish population. Conclusions. In patients with advanced retinoblastoma who were diagnosed with retinoblastoma prior to 24 months, the FGFR4 p.Gly388Arg allele was found to be significantly higher. As a result, these results indicate that the polymorphism of FGFR4 p.Gly388Arg may play a role in both the development of tumors and the progression of aggressive tumors.
dc.subjectHealth Sciences
dc.subjectDahili Tıp Bilimleri
dc.subjectİç Hastalıkları
dc.subjectSağlık Bilimleri
dc.subjectKlinik Tıp (MED)
dc.subjectKlinik Tıp
dc.titleFGFR4 c.1162G > A (p.Gly388Arg) Polymorphism Analysis in Turkish Patients with Retinoblastoma
dc.relation.journalJOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY
dc.contributor.departmentİstanbul Üniversitesi , ,

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