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dc.contributor.authorÖzkoyuncu, Fatih
dc.contributor.authorAslan, Pınar
dc.identifier.citationÖzkoyuncu F., Aslan P., Entrepreneneurial and Communicative Mind in Action: How Start-Ups Do and Should Communicate with Their Publics Effectively, "Entrepreneneurial and Communicative Mind in Action ", Pedja Asanin Gole, Editör, Pearson Education , London, ss.16-26, 2021
dc.description.abstractThis chapter focuses on the useful strategies entrepreneurs are supposed to adapt to be able to develop and sustain effective communication with their publics. In the entrepreneurial ecosystem, communication with the key stakeholders may be paid insufficient attention due to the fact that entrepreneurs set up small startups where basically everybody knows each other and supposedly there is no need to plan and implement strategic communication. However, the main goal many startups aim to achieve is to go through the death valley and become as successful as possible to be able to have investment and succeed as a big business. An effective, solution-based, and two-way symmetrical communication process is one of the key terms for entrepreneurs to achieve every startup’s dream and this chapter aims to explain and analyze how it is possible to establish and sustain a productive communication process for newly-established businesses. First, the communication strategies to consider are listed and then key terms to focus on, such as resource procurement, internal and external communication, corporate branding, and owner centricity, are mentioned. The use of social media is clarified next within the scope of communication strategies startups should adapt.
dc.publisherPearson Education
dc.subjectSosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler
dc.subjectSosyal Bilimler (SOC)
dc.titleEntrepreneneurial and Communicative Mind in Action
dc.typeKitapta Bölüm
dc.contributor.departmentİstanbul Üniversitesi , İletişim Fakültesi , Halkla İlişkiler Ve Tanıtım Bölümü

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