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dc.contributor.authorYonemura, Yutaka
dc.contributor.authorGhabra, Shadin
dc.contributor.authorMorikawa, Mitsuhiro
dc.contributor.authorRau, Beate
dc.contributor.authorPiso, Pompiliu
dc.contributor.authorAcs, Miklos
dc.contributor.authorCoccolini, Federico
dc.contributor.authorCanbay, Emel
dc.contributor.authorHsieh, Mao-Chih
dc.contributor.authorBhatt, Aditi
dc.contributor.authorBonnot, Pierre-Emmanuel
dc.contributor.authorGlehen, Olivier
dc.contributor.authorKamada, Yasuyuki
dc.contributor.authorHida, Koya
dc.contributor.authorSugarbaker, Paul H.
dc.contributor.authorIshihara, Soichiro
dc.contributor.authorNagata, Hiroshi
dc.contributor.authorMurono, Koji
dc.contributor.authorGoi, Takanori
dc.contributor.authorKatayama, Kanji
dc.identifier.citationKamada Y., Hida K., Yonemura Y., Sugarbaker P. H. , Ghabra S., Ishihara S., Nagata H., Murono K., Goi T., Katayama K., et al., "The Characteristics of 206 Long-Term Survivors with Peritoneal Metastases from Colorectal Cancer Treated with Curative Intent Surgery: A Multi-Center Cohort from PSOGI", CANCERS, cilt.13, sa.12, 2021
dc.description.abstractSimple Summary Cytoreductive surgery (CRS) combined with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy improves survival in selected patients with peritoneal metastases from colorectal cancer (CRC). However, the characteristics of long-term survivors are not well documented. This study set out to investigate the patient characteristics associated with the long-term survival of peritoneal metastases from CRC. We retrospectively analyzed 206 long-term survivors who underwent CRS for peritoneal metastases from CRC. We found that most long-term survivors showed low peritoneal cancer index (PCI), low PCI of small bowel subsets, and complete cytoreduction (CC-0), while some exhibited characteristics considered associated with poor prognosis. Background: We conducted this study to review the patient characteristics associated with long-term survival in patients with peritoneal metastases from colorectal cancer who underwent cytoreductive surgery (CRS). Methods: We retrospectively investigated patients with peritoneal metastases from CRC treated with curative intent surgery with or without hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy at 13 institutions worldwide between January 1985 and April 2015 and survived longer than five years after the first CRS for peritoneal metastases. Clinical and oncological features and therapeutic parameters were described and analyzed. Results: Two hundred six long-term survivors were available for study. The median peritoneal cancer index (PCI) of this cohort was 4 (interquartile range (IQR), 2-7), and the median score of the small bowel regions of the PCI (SB-PCI) was 0 (IQR, 0-2). Complete cytoreduction (CC-0) was achieved in 180 (87.4%) patients. Recurrence was observed in 122 (59.2%) patients at a median of 1.8 (IQR, 1.2-2.6) years. Conclusions: While most long-term survivors showed low PCI/SB-PCI and CCR-0, some had characteristics considered associated with poor prognosis. Curative intent treatments may be considered in well-informed and fit patients showing negative factors affecting survival outcome.
dc.subjectİç Hastalıkları
dc.subjectKlinik Tıp
dc.subjectKlinik Tıp (MED)
dc.subjectSağlık Bilimleri
dc.subjectDahili Tıp Bilimleri
dc.subjectHealth Sciences
dc.titleThe Characteristics of 206 Long-Term Survivors with Peritoneal Metastases from Colorectal Cancer Treated with Curative Intent Surgery: A Multi-Center Cohort from PSOGI
dc.contributor.departmentKyoto University , ,

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