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dc.contributor.authorTuncer, Akın
dc.identifier.citationTuncer A., Altunizade Complex Within Tehe Frame Of The Effect Of Complex On Development Of Ottoman Settlement Units, "Turkish Art History", N. Çiçek AKÇIL HARMANKAYA,Ayşe DENKNALBANT ÇOBANOĞLU, Editör, Kitabevi, İstanbul, ss.127-169, 2019
dc.description.abstractAbstractBuilding Complexeshad an important role on Ottoman urban development. Building Complexes, with the help of units in them, met the requirements of settlements where they are located and contributed to its development. Building Complexes continued their activities for long time without any problem of finance thanks to foundations established by founders of these Building Complexes. Many settlements were founded or developed in line with this foundation system and state policies. The Building Complexes constructed by Altunizade İsmail Zühtü Pasha in 1865 is located in the Center of Altunizade in Üsküdar. The Mosque which is the most elaborate building of the Complex has a Western affected eclectic structure in line with its period. The Complex, consisting of units such as Mosque, Turkish bath, infants’ school,muvakkithane, shops, bakery, entailed estate of imam and muezzin, fountains, have parallels with Ottoman building complexes development in terms of its functions and establishment. Altunizade Complex has an important role in creation and development of the district together with the police station building constructed in the same period. It stands out as a successful application, in that period, of the understanding to make development with building complex as a traditional method of Ottoman urbanization since they include units meeting daily requirements of country houses constructed around Altunizade district which is one of the districts developed depending on improvement of transportation means in Istanbul. The importance of the Complex in the district continued until the second half of 20thcentury. However, its function decreased as from the end of 1970 upon quick increase in population density of Istanbul and the district. Despite this, the existence of the Complex has an important place in the historical identity of Altunizade districtKeywords:ArtHistory, AltunizadeBuilding Complexes, Urbanization, Architecture, Istanbul
dc.subjectSosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler
dc.subjectSosyal Bilimler (SOC)
dc.titleTurkish Art History
dc.typeKitapta Bölüm
dc.contributor.departmentİstanbul Üniversitesi , Rektörlük , Bölümler

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