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dc.contributor.authorTemiz, Nur Aytul
dc.contributor.authorYURDAKUL EROL, SEÇİL
dc.identifier.citationTemiz N. A. , YURDAKUL EROL S., "Organizational aspects of landscape enterprises: The case of Istanbul", CIENCIA RURAL, cilt.52, sa.7, 2022
dc.description.abstractAs a management function, organizing deals with activities designed to support the realization of institutional goals and plans, performed within an organizational structure that serves to connect, direct, manage, and control the activities associated with these plans and goals. Considering the extensive scope of landscape architecture, it is necessary for organizations operating in this field to focus on management and organization issues (which have ecological, architectural, economic, and social dimensions), and their integration with administrative functions to achieve success. In this context, the present study examined the organizing processes of private enterprises operating in the landscape sector, investigated the differences among them, and analyzed the interaction of organization-related aspects. Within this scope, the research focused on evaluating stages of organizing, principles and effects of organizing, organizational relations, and organizational authorities and responsibilities. The province of Istanbul was selected as a case study to consider the specified objectives. Data were collected through questionnaires and then sent through ANOM and Spearman correlation analyses. The results showed that the main problems affecting these enterprises in terms of organizing were delegation, participative management, and inter-departmental relations. Organizational aims and customer groups were also shown to have an impact on these issues, and the components of the organizing function distinct relationships with one another: This study concluded that adopting a holistic approach in organizational processes and related applications is essential.
dc.subjectTarım ve Çevre Bilimleri (AGE)
dc.subjectTarımsal Bilimler
dc.subjectToprak ve Bitki Besleme
dc.subjectToprak Verimliliği ve Gübreleme
dc.subjectAgronomy and Crop Science
dc.subjectLife Sciences
dc.subjectTARIM BİLİMİ
dc.subjectTarım Bilimleri
dc.titleOrganizational aspects of landscape enterprises: The case of Istanbul
dc.relation.journalCIENCIA RURAL
dc.contributor.departmentAytul Temiz Bahce Mimari & Muhendislik Hizmetleri , ,

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