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dc.contributor.authorYEŞİL, Ahmet
dc.contributor.authorPetersson, Hans
dc.contributor.authorTOLUNAY, DOĞANAY
dc.contributor.authorÇAĞLAYAN, İNCİ
dc.identifier.citationÇAĞLAYAN İ., YEŞİL A., TOLUNAY D., Petersson H., "Carbon Suitability Mapping for Forest Management Plan Decisions: The Case of Belgrad Forest (Istanbul)", ENVIRONMENTAL MODELING & ASSESSMENT, 2022
dc.description.abstractThe carbon ecosystem service is important due to climate change and the effects of forest management practices. Many research efforts have been made to relate carbon storage with forest management practices and identify the most suitable sites for this purpose. Different methods for digitizing and mapping of carbon ecosystem services are needed to improve the value of ecosystem services at the local scale and to decide on natural resource management. In this study, a decision-making model to guide carbon storage and sequestration mapping has been established from ecosystem services and tested with real data. One objective of this study is to provide a carbon suitability map for stands of high carbon storage/growth potential. A second goal is to develop a template guiding surveyors to identify and map areas with different carbon storage potential. Stands of high carbon storage/growth potential were mapped and identified as the carbon suitability hotspots in Turkey at the local scale, taking into account the methods used in previous modeling and mapping studies. Criteria for carbon suitability mapping for Belgrad Forest were determined by using expert opinions and literature. Finally, carbon storage and carbon sequestration values were calculated. The model presented will reduce the uncertainty associated with carbon suitability mapping. The work presented suggests that local studies are needed to improve carbon mapping. The Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) methods and expert knowledge in forest studies can be utilized to assess their stands suitable for carbon storage. Based on these stands, zones suitable for carbon storage can be developed.
dc.subjectÇevre Bilimi (çeşitli)
dc.subjectSu Bilimi
dc.subjectFizik Bilimleri
dc.subjectYaşam Bilimleri
dc.subjectMühendislik ve Teknoloji
dc.subjectDoğa ve Peyzaj Koruma
dc.subjectÇevre Mühendisliği
dc.subjectTarımsal Bilimler
dc.subjectTarım ve Çevre Bilimleri (AGE)
dc.subjectÇevre / Ekoloji
dc.titleCarbon Suitability Mapping for Forest Management Plan Decisions: The Case of Belgrad Forest (Istanbul)
dc.contributor.departmentİstanbul Üniversitesi-Cerrahpaşa , Orman Fakültesi , Orman Mühendisliği

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