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dc.contributor.authorMohammed, Azheen Ghafour
dc.contributor.authorAlmohana, Abdulaziz Ibrahim
dc.contributor.authorAbdelrahman, Anas
dc.contributor.authorAlmojil, Sattam Fahad
dc.contributor.authorAlali, Abdulrhman Fahmi
dc.contributor.authorSharma, Kamal
dc.contributor.authorHai, Tao
dc.contributor.authorDhahad, Hayder A.
dc.contributor.authorMehrez, Sadok
dc.identifier.citationHai T., Dhahad H. A., Sharma K., Mehrez S., Abdelrahman A., Almojil S. F., Almohana A. I., Alali A. F., Mohammed A. G., "Dynamic simulation and 3E optimization with an environmental assessment of an efficient energy plant for generation of fresh water by humidification-dehumidification technology and green power and H2", Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, cilt.54, 2022
dc.description.abstract© 2022Buildings, mainly residential complexes, can benefit significantly from integrated district generating systems because of their flexibility, increased energy efficiency, and reduced emissions. The energy requirements of a building in Beijing, China, are investigated in this work using dynamic modeling software. The use of solar energy, including photovoltaic thermal panels and collectors, desalination systems, which include humidification and dehumidification units, and hydrogen generation systems, which include alkaline and proton exchange membrane electrolyzer, as well as heating and cooling systems, is suggested and examined transiently. The TRNSYS software works by simulating a situation from a thermodynamic and environmental point of view. According to the findings, we receive solar radiation on our solar panels for more than half the year, with a maximum output of 16.2 kWh. Additionally, it was found that more hydrogen and freshwater were produced during the year's warmer seasons, with the maximum hydrogen production rate reaching 2 kg per hour. The hydrogen tank, therefore, had a higher state of charge during the hotter months. The power and heating produced were also calculated on the hottest and coldest days of the year. The findings showed that power generation is roughly-four times higher on the year's hottest day than the coldest. Furthermore, since freshwater and hydrogen production rates rise during hot weather, the overall efficiency is higher during warm months. After optimization was completed, the best-case scenario saw 0.7 kg of hydrogen produced for 17.45 $/GJ. Environmentally, using solar energy can be reduced CO2 emissions compared with fossil fuels.
dc.subjectTarımda Enerji
dc.subjectTarım Makineleri
dc.subjectTarımsal Bilimler
dc.subjectMühendislik, Bilişim ve Teknoloji (ENG)
dc.subjectEnerji Mühendisliği ve Güç Teknolojisi
dc.subjectFizik Bilimleri
dc.subjectYenilenebilir Enerji, Sürdürülebilirlik ve Çevre
dc.subjectMühendislik ve Teknoloji
dc.subjectBiyoyakıt Teknolojisi
dc.titleDynamic simulation and 3E optimization with an environmental assessment of an efficient energy plant for generation of fresh water by humidification-dehumidification technology and green power and H2
dc.relation.journalSustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments
dc.contributor.departmentGLA University, Mathura , ,

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