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dc.contributor.authorARICAN, ERCAN
dc.contributor.authorÇelik, Bilge
dc.identifier.citationÇelik B., ARICAN E., "Hypobaric Pressure Effects on Gene Expression, as a Physiological Response of Canola Varieties", ANNUAL Research and Review in Biology, cilt.4, sa.21, ss.3251-3261, 2014
dc.description.abstractAims: The main purpose of our study was to determine the expresion levels of genes, which respond to low presure in canola (Brasica napus L.) varieties Californium, Orkan, Jura and Elvis. Study Design: Canola (Brasica napus L.) varieties (Californium, Jura, Orkan and Elvis) placed within specialy designed low presure cabinets were exposed to low presure (40 Tor ? 53 kPa) for durations of 1, 2 or 3 days. Total RNA was isolated from the plants analyzed for genes, OsNCED, OsABA8, OsZEP and TMAC2 by RT-PCR technique. For control, housekeping gene β-actin was used. As a result OsABA8ox 1, 2, 3 and OsNCED showed increase in expresion levels. Methodology: Canola (Brasica napus L.) varieties Californium, Orkan, Jura and Elvis were provided by the Black Sea Agricultural Research Instiute, Samsun – Turkey. Seds were sown and placed in the plant growth chamber. The 14 days old plants were exposed to low presure in the low presure cabinet. RT-PCR reactions were performed in onetube reaction acording to manufacturer’s protocol (Aces Quick RT-PCR System, Promega, A1701). Results: The PCR products of OsNCED, OsZEP, OsABA, TMAC2 separated by 2% Original Research ArticleAnual Research & Review in Biology, 4(21): …………., 2014 3252 agarose gel electrophoresis were found to be aproximately betwen 20-30bp. The PCR products of OsABA8 gene (~750bp) in Jura was determined to be increased compared to that of control group. Change of expresion of OsABA8 gene (~750bp) in varieties of Jura and Orkan were determined and compared to that of control group. OsABA8 gene region (~30bp) in varieties of both Californium and Elvis, whose expresion of OsNCED gene region only (~30bp) in varites of Jura and Orkan were determined and compared to that of control group. Conclusion: Any changes have ben determined in the expresion of TMAC2 gene which suports the other studies in the literature. As a consequence of this, results obtained from our study have the feature that can give a new direction to other studies. In aditon to this, because of there is no yet such a study related to low atmospheric conditons, this study has the characteristics of being the first and fundamental study with this speciality
dc.subjectTemel Bilimler
dc.subjectYaşam Bilimleri
dc.subjectMoleküler Biyoloji ve Genetik
dc.subjectMoleküler Biyoloji ve Genetik
dc.subjectYaşam Bilimleri (LIFE)
dc.titleHypobaric Pressure Effects on Gene Expression, as a Physiological Response of Canola Varieties
dc.relation.journalANNUAL Research and Review in Biology
dc.contributor.departmentDiğer Kurumlar , ,

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