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dc.contributor.authorUysal, Saliha
dc.identifier.citationUysal S., "Psychological Effects Of Islamophobia On Hijab Ban Victims In Turkey In The Context Of February, 28 Hijab Ban Process And Religious Coping", Yakın Doğu Üniversitesi İslam Tetkikleri Merkezi Dergisi, cilt.5, sa.2, ss.281-314, 2019
dc.description.abstractThis study puts forth the state of intolerance against Muslim women wearing hijab in Turkey especially focusing on ‘the process of February, 28’ and establishes its significant effects on women with hijab and its development till today. Wearing hijab especially in public space has been a big problem in Turkey for the religious people in society. Although the positive developments in Turkish politics in 2008 and in 2013 which provided hijab liberty, today still Islamophobia is manifested clearly with concealed and revealed signs by the Islamophobic print media in Turkey. In this qualitative study 10 Turkish women with hijab who experienced ‘the period of 28th February’ and the process after it were interviewed and the women were reached by snow-ball method. It can be said obviously the period of 28th Feb was a trauma on women causing depression, lack of self-confidence, lack of trust towards people, anxiety, OCD. Some of these women had to have therapies and medicine. Some overcame with the issue with religious practices. The participants who had to study university abroad started to seek justice with the motivation of seeking for human rights and in this sense orientation to west started. This study puts forth the state of intolerance against Muslim women wearing hijab in Turkey especially focusing on 'the process of February, 28' and establishes its significant effects on women with hijab and its development till today. Wearing hijab especially in public space has been a big problem in Turkey for the religious people in society. Although the positive developments in Turkish politics in 2008 and in 2013 which provided hijab liberty, today still Islamophobia is manifested clearly with concealed and revealed signs by the Islamophobic print media in Turkey. In this qualitative study 10 Turkish women with hijab who experienced 'the period of 28 th February' and the process after it were interviewed and the women were reached by snowball method. It can be said obviously the period of 28 th Feb was a trauma on women causing depression, lack of self-confidence, lack of trust towards people, anxiety, OCD. Some of these women had to have therapies and medicine. Some overcame with the issue with religious practices. The participants who had to study university abroad started to seek justice with the motivation of seeking for human rights and in this sense orientation to west started.
dc.subjectSosyal Bilimler (SOC)
dc.subjectSosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler
dc.titlePsychological Effects Of Islamophobia On Hijab Ban Victims In Turkey In The Context Of February, 28 Hijab Ban Process And Religious Coping
dc.relation.journalYakın Doğu Üniversitesi İslam Tetkikleri Merkezi Dergisi
dc.contributor.departmentİstanbul Üniversitesi , İlahiyat Fakültesi ,

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