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dc.contributor.authorEfe, Suleyman Cagan
dc.contributor.authorIliaz, Raim
dc.contributor.authorGurbuz, Ahmet Seyfeddin
dc.contributor.authorBanzragch, Mutse
dc.contributor.authorDemir, Kadir
dc.contributor.authorOzturk, Semi
dc.identifier.citationOzturk S., Gurbuz A. S. , Efe S. C. , Iliaz R., Banzragch M., Demir K., "QTc nterval is prolonged in Wilson's disease with neurologic nvolvement", ACTA CLINICA BELGICA, cilt.73, sa.5, ss.328-332, 2018
dc.description.abstractBackground Neurologic and liver involvement in Wilson's disease (WD) is well-documented, however, few reports demonstrated cardiac involvement. Tpe and Tpe/QT are new measures of ventricular repolarization which were recently suggested as predictor of arrythmogenesis. We aimed to evaluate ventricular depolarization and repolarization parameters including QT, QTc, Tpe intervals, Tpe/QT, Tpe/QTc ratios, and QT dispersion (QTd) in patients with WD.Materials and methods Thirty-five patients with WD and 30 healthy controls were included in the study. Patients were evaluated by a neurologist in addition to MR imaging. Twenty-one of 35 patients were diagnosed as neuroWilson (NW), whereas 14 patients as non-NW. ECG recordings were obtained using a 12-lead commercial device (Cardiac Science, Burdick s500,USA). All patients underwent standard echocardiographic evaluation. These two groups of patients and healthy controls were compared.Results There were no difference between patients with WD and healthy controls in terms of age sex, BMI, liver, and kidney functions where as patients with WD were anemic and thrombocytopenic. Left atrial, ventricular dimensions, left ventricular systolic, and diastolic functions were similar between patients and healthy control. QT interval was prolonged in patient group, however, QTc, Tpe intervals, Tpe/QT, and Tpe/QTc ratios and QTd did not differ between groups. When patients with NW and non-NW were compared, both QT and QTc intervals were significantly longer in patients with NW, however, Tpe interval, Tpe/QT and Tpe/QTc ratios, and QTd did not differ.Conclusion QT and QTc intervals are prolonged in patients with Wilson's disease and neurologic involvement.
dc.subjectKlinik Tıp
dc.subjectTemel Tıp Bilimleri
dc.subjectTIP, GENEL & İÇECEK
dc.subjectSağlık Bilimleri
dc.subjectKlinik Tıp (MED)
dc.titleQTc nterval is prolonged in Wilson's disease with neurologic nvolvement
dc.relation.journalACTA CLINICA BELGICA
dc.contributor.departmentIstanbul Haseki Training & Research Hospital , ,

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