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dc.contributor.authorSahin, U
dc.contributor.authorOztorun, N
dc.contributor.authorBayat, C
dc.contributor.authorUcan, ON
dc.identifier.citationSahin U., Ucan O., Bayat C., Oztorun N., "Modeling of SO2 distribution in Istanbul using artificial neural networks", ENVIRONMENTAL MODELING & ASSESSMENT, cilt.10, ss.135-142, 2005
dc.description.abstractUrban air pollution is a growing problem in developing countries. Some compounds especially sulphur dioxide (SO2) is considered as typical indicators of the urban air quality. Air pollution modeling and prediction have great importance in preventing the occurrence of air pollution episodes and provide sufficient time to take the necessary precautions. Recently, various stochastic image-processing algorithms such as Artificial Neural Network (ANN) are applied to environmental engineering. ANN structure employs input, hidden and output layers. Due to the complexity of the problem, as the number of input-output parameters differs, ANN model settings such as the number of neurons of these layers changes. The ability of ANN models to learn, particularly capability of handling large amounts (or sets) of data simultaneously as well as their fast response time, are invariably the characteristics desired for predictive and forecasting purposes. In this paper, ANN models have been used to predict air pollutant parameter in meteorological considerations. We have especially focused on modeling of SO2 distribution and predicting its future concentration in Istanbul, Turkey. We have obtained data sets including meteorological variables and SO2 concentrations from Istanbul-Florya meteorological station and Istanbul-Yenibosna air pollution station. We have preferred three-layer perceptron type of ANN which consists of 10, 22 and 1 neurons for input, hidden and output layers, respectively. All considered parameters are measured as daily mean. The input parameters are: SO2 concentration, pressure, temperature, humidity, wind direction, wind speed, strength of sunshine, sunshine, cloudy, rainfall and output parameter is the future prediction of SO2. To evaluate the performance of ANN model, our results are compared to classical nonlinear regression methods. The over all system finds an optimum correlation between input-output variables. Here, the correlation parameter, r is 0.999 and 0.528 for training and test data. Thus in our model, the trend of SO2 is well estimated and seasonal effects are well represented. As a result, we conclude that ANN is one of the compromising methods in estimation of environmental complex air pollution problems.
dc.subjectÇevre / Ekoloji
dc.subjectTarım ve Çevre Bilimleri (AGE)
dc.subjectTarımsal Bilimler
dc.subjectÇevre Mühendisliği
dc.subjectMühendislik ve Teknoloji
dc.titleModeling of SO2 distribution in Istanbul using artificial neural networks
dc.contributor.department, ,

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